27 May 2009
According to Google Reader, I have a lot of reading to do. Some of my closer friends also write for their own blogs (of course, some don't). Regardless, it seems I haven't read a single post on any of their blogs since 28 April. In under half an hour's time, that will have been a full month ago.
Of course, part of this is due to the China trip, but it doesn't help that everyone's been so gosh-darn prolific in May. One friend who had two posts in the first four months of the year has already had three in May.
So, I have some catching up to do. And I will be doing it.
And then I'll be getting more pictures up from China. 'Cause it's been a while for that, too.
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Tim Parenti
23:32 ET
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16 May 2009
HCC in China: Day 15
Well, I'm still as jet-lagged as ever (getting over it a bit, but I've got a ways to go). Anyway, it's been four days at home now, so it's about time I write about our final day. Of course, I'm multitasking at the moment, watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with my mother on TV, but that's beside the point. Anyway, let's get on with it.
Day 15 – Tuesday 12 May 2009
You wouldn't ordinarily expect a day of long flights to be all that eventful, and for the most part, it wasn't. But the day wasn't without hiccups.
After a quick final breakfast at the hotel, we packed up and said goodbye to our local tour guide, Yvonne.
Unfortunately, there were some issues with the airline staff over the serving of peanuts on our flight… something I'm amazed wasn't taken care of beforehand by the touring agency. Nevertheless, it prevented one of our number from flying with us. Because of her severe peanut allergy, our friend was waylaid in
Coming up: Pictures galore! Give me some time to get them all online, but they'll be there, and you'll be soon to know… stay tuned!
Random side-note: This is my 200th post on this blog! More celebration! Hooray!
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Tim Parenti
23:18 ET
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Posted in China
14 May 2009
Four Years
And now, for something completely different...
No, this post has nothing to do with China or my recent excursions there. Yes, I do plan on posting the happenings of our final day (and trust me, it was eventful).
There is something else that needs to be mentioned first, and that would be the fourth birthday of this very blog! That's right, it has been four full years since my extremely lame first post on "Randomness," which was really supposed to just be a temporary name for the blog... I still haven't come up with anything better.
Now, tradition states that I must bake a digital cake for dear old "Bloggy," and so I did, but not without some hangups. You see, I don't have Photoshop on my laptop. Ordinarily, this wouldn't be a problem, but the family computer at home has been having its own issues. To make a long story short, the OS was just reinstalled onto a newly wiped hard drive. So the really old version of Photoshop we had at home is no more.
So this evening, I quickly downloaded GIMP, installed it, and figured out enough about how to use it to cook up this yummy cake. All in about an hour. Pretty good, if you ask me!
Last year, I'd been lamenting having not written much. But this year, between a half-victorious BEDA and my trip to China, I've been blogging a lot. So leave some comments in celebration, and here's hoping that (within reason, of course) it continues!
I will be writing about our final day in China shortly, but to pass the time you can read my posts on past birthdays: 3, 2, and 1.
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Tim Parenti
23:59 ET
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Posted in Blog Birthday
11 May 2009
HCC in China: Days 12, 13, and 14
Well, not really mainland
Days 12, 13, and 14 – Saturday 9 through Monday 11 May 2009
What better way to end the tour than with a big chunk of largely unstructured time in
And so now I'll have a story to tell about when we spent five hundred dollars at Pizza Hut. Only once I get the incredulous looks will I mention that I mean
On Sunday, we dad have a little bit of a structured time. We spent the large part of the morning taking a bus tour around Hong Kong, to the market at
Monday was almost completely free, and so many went out into the 31 °C (88 °F) sunshine back to the beach. I got a bit burnt in places (as is inevitably the case), but it'll be tolerable. I took care not to burn myself in places that would be inconvenient on a long flight home the next day. After a whirlwind tour,
Our final event was a buffet dinner at the hotel, followed by a time of reminiscing about all of the memories we've made together: The first of what will likely be many story-telling sessions in the months and years ahead.
Apologies there aren't any pictures, but I wasn't going to miss out on relaxing myself! They'll certainly be online in the near future, and if you keep watching this blog, you'll be quick to know when they are.
And so this morning (Tuesday), we had our wake-up call at 05:30. Right now I'm doing my final packing, getting ready to head home, as we leave for the airport within the hour at 07:00 HKT. Our departure will be bittersweet, but we'll have so many memories of the times we've had — good and bad, funny and embarrassing — in China.
Coming up: Our homeward flight departs Hong Kong International Airport at 09:30 HKT and is due to land in New York City 15 hours, 40 minutes later, at 13:10 EDT. Personally, I'll be on another flight back to
Posted by
Tim Parenti
18:13 ET
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Posted in China
08 May 2009
HCC in China: Day 11
I'm going to cut right to the chase and give you the good news. My roommate, Sam, has been gracious enough to lend me his camera for the last day-and-a-half. So, though I may still be getting a new one, it's slightly less urgent… and I can show you some photos in the meantime, but we've got an early morning, so it might not be so many, as I'm really tired and just figuring things out was hard enough.
Apologies for all this extra "drama" on my end of things, but I suppose it keeps you coming back, right? After all, you never know quite what you're going to get!Day 11 – Friday 8 May 2009
It is fairly obvious that we have been "taking it easy" a bit more the last couple of days. We haven't had quite as much of the hustle and bustle of
The concert was incredible, and though we were incredibly unprepared for an encore (we eventually settled on just doing the final number faster), it was probably one of our best performances of the year. It's good to go out on a high note, I think, and we did just that.
Some more pictures from Day 11 can be found here. Thanks again to Sam for the camera usage. You're a great guy.
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Tim Parenti
17:38 ET
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Posted in China
07 May 2009
HCC in China: Day 10
I must start today's post with very sad news (although in the grand scheme of things, it's not that bad). If you've been following this blog since well before this trip, you'd know that I've been working with a half-broken camera this whole time (and I bet you didn't even notice). It's been tough at times, but I've made do for several months now.
And so, it is with regret that I must inform you that my camera is, for all intents and purposes, dead. It started acting weird mid-morning and died at lunch on Thursday, and though we tried other batteries and just about everything we could think of, it just wouldn't work. It took about five minutes and a lot of patience just to get the lens to close. Sadly, it doesn't look like it will be coming back anytime soon, if at all.
I'm half-tempted to just buy another camera here in
So, although I know that a lot of choir members' parents having been playing "Find My Child!" with my photos, I'm afraid that will have to wait at this point until something can be figured out. My apologies.
Nevertheless, it is still my duty to tell you what we've been up to, so here's a short narrative:
Day 10 – Thursday 7 May 2009
We started Thursday by heading to the
After spending some time lingering in the
We walked around the gift shop area of the silk factory for a time before walking upstairs to a restaurant in the building for lunch. Some people were freaked out by the snakes in jars that welcomed us along the sides of the entryway, but everyone was able to get through okay and eat.
Outside the factory, we discussed the museum issue from Wednesday. Did everyone want to go? The consensus was no, we'd all like to go directly to
Once in
After an early dinner, we then made our way to an acrobatic performance, entitled "Era: Intersection of Time." Ironically, photos and video weren't allowed at this performance anyway, but I can link you to their website. Everyone was amazed at all the different acts, some with trampolines, some with bicycles, others with pottery, and ending with eight motorcycles in a spherical cage.
Yes, that's right. Eight.
It was mind-boggling, and everyone loved it. We talked about it all the way back to the hotel.
Coming up: On Friday, we travel to Yu Garden in the morning, spend the afternoon in another Shanghai shopping area, and conclude the evening with our final performance of the tour (and of the year), at Shanghai's Conservatory of Music.
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Tim Parenti
20:46 ET
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Posted in China
06 May 2009
HCC in China: Day 9
Another quick post. After nine days of travel, it's very easy to get tired quickly. Sorry about that, but it's better than nothing, right?
Day 9 – Wednesday 6 May 2009
First thing in the morning, we boarded our coach and travelled about two hours by highway to
After lunch, we travelled to
We went to the Grand Canal for a boat tour through parts of
We then got back on the buses (although that didn't deter the "mosquito" vendors), and went back to the hotel before dinner. After dinner, we had the evening free to explore
More pictures from Day 9 can be found here.
Coming up: On Thursday, we travel to
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Tim Parenti
20:36 ET
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Posted in China
05 May 2009
HCC in China: Days 7 and 8
Tuesday's technical difficulties have been resolved at this point. It's amazing how useless an electrical converter is when it falls out of the wall socket on its own. It's also frustrating when the hotel staff won't bring the one you asked for until you go back the next morning. But that's what I get for trying to do this at the end of the night.
So, my apologies that I am unable to write a true narrative, but I have 893 pictures to go through and that alone will take forever if I don't hurry. Don't worry; I'll give this due attention once we're back in the States, so you'll get to see and hear about everything you would have missed.
Days 7 and 8 – Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 May 2009
On Monday, we visited a Terra Cotta soldiers reproduction factory in
On Tuesday, we went to
View some of my pictures from Days 7 and 8 here. Again, I can't get many up right now, but we'll take care of everything in due course. Leave some comments to make me feel better!
Coming up: Today (Wednesday), we travel all morning to
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Tim Parenti
20:29 ET
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Posted in China
04 May 2009
HCC in China: Brief Update
Greetings from the Business Center at our hotel in Hangzhou. Technical difficulties (adaptor/converter/power supply) with my laptop prevent me from posting about Day 7 at this time. I will rectify the problems in the evening CST (Tuesday morning EDT) and hopefully post a Day 7/8 post then.
But rest assured, we're all fine.
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Tim Parenti
21:04 ET
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Posted in China
03 May 2009
HCC in China: Day 6
Again, after a long day Sunday, I'm writing this on Monday morning here in
Day 6 – Sunday 3 May 2009
After an exhausting day at the Great Wall, we would certainly want to get a full night's sleep to recharge. But we were awoken by our hotel phones at 04:30 to get us ready for our flight to
Our local tour guide, May, then talked more about the rich history of
After the concert (and a short rest period), we went to dinner at a Tang Dynasty dinner theatre. There was live music played on the zheng… the kind of soft, peaceful, and reflective music you'd expect to be played through a speaker at Asian restaurants in the States… except it was live. The food was a feast of over 18 different kinds of dumplings, so there was more than enough for everyone to get things they already enjoyed and to try things they never knew were so good, including rice wine.
Dinner was followed by a performance about the Tang Dynasty, which was centered in
Then, it grew late, and we returned to the hotel to catch up on some much-needed rest and prepare for a new day.
There are plenty more pictures from Day 6 here, including several from the Tang Dynasty performance. Check them out and leave some comments!
Coming up: On Monday, we visit the Terra Cotta Soldiers of Xi'an and Qin Shi Huang tomb before boarding an evening flight to
Posted by
Tim Parenti
20:04 ET
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Posted in China
02 May 2009
HCC in China: Day 5
Day 5 – Saturday 2 May 2009
We started the day by heading to a jade workshop, where we learned about the value of jade in Chinese culture. Apparently, while gold is worth about 200 yuan per gram ($910 per troy ounce), jade is worth 1000 to 1500 yuan per gram ($4550 to $6850 per ounce). There were pieces of jade embedded in each of the Olympic medals awarded in 2008.
Our tour guide, Scott, taught us a little bit of Chinese on the way to the Great Wall, which was about 55 km (34 miles) north of our hotel. Because of the continuing holiday weekend, traffic was continually an issue for us, but we got there alright.
And difficult it was. When the Wall was built, it was built with uneven steps so that horses couldn't traverse it. And we can certainly see now why it worked! Immediately after a series of several tall, 16-inch (40-cm) steps, there would be a small, 4-inch (10-cm) step, which caught all of us off-guard.
Finally, after about 1800 steps (with many rests in between), we made it to the top… of this section of the Wall. The view was utterly spectacular… words simply cannot describe it.
We made our way to a late (and traffic-delayed) lunch, before heading to
One of our members managed to buy five small items for ¥225 ($33) after taking the saleswoman down from ¥1,750 ($255) for only four. But it took a lot of determination and a good half an hour to do so. Afterwards, we consulted with our guide to see how we did with our purchases.
We finished the evening off with a dinner featuring Peking Duck, and headed back to the hotel early, full of fond memories of
I have more pictures from Day 5 here. Enjoy!
Coming up: On Sunday, we take an early morning flight westward to
Posted by
Tim Parenti
12:09 ET
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Posted in China
01 May 2009
HCC in China: Day 4
Day 4 – Friday 1 May 2009
Today was Labour Day here in
We then made our way to Beijing's zoo to visit the giant pandas. According to our guide, the pandas are relatively active in the morning, but if you go in the afternoon, you can't tell if they're real or not, because they don't move much. The path by the exhibit was extremely crowded (as was much of the zoo), but we were able to see two of the pandas nonetheless, even if it did require a little bit of pushing and shoving (which, by the way, is very common here). Because of some slight drizzle earlier in the morning, some of us even bought souvenir umbrellas to match the one carried by one of our guides.
After a late lunch, we made our way back to the hotel to prepare for the first of our concerts. The concert was moved on short notice to the concert hall at Mínzú University of China (中央民族大学) to better accommodate our opening act, the Jin Rong Philharmonic Chorus (Financial Street Choir), directed by Zhao Dengan (赵登安). After a wonderful concert by both choirs, we were presented with neck-hangings as small gifts from the host choir, symbolizing friendship, which we all wore to dinner afterwards.
Coming up: On Saturday, we celebrate our last day in
Posted by
Tim Parenti
13:22 ET
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Posted in China
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