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31 August 2009

Term 2101 Schedule

8 November 2009: It's been way too long since I've written here. Nothing I say or do can make up for that, but I'm going to make some sort of effort anyway.

* * *

Here is my class schedule for the Fall 2009 term (Term 2101):

Class Title and Credit Value
ChE 0500 Systems Engineering 1: Dynamics and Modeling 5 cr.
ChE 0501 Systems Engineering 1 Lab 1 cr.
ChE 1085 Departmental Seminar 0 cr.
ENGLIT 0325 Short Story in Context 3 cr.
ENGR 1700
Intro to Nuclear Engineering
3 cr.
ENGR 1702 Nuclear Plant Technology
3 cr.
MUSIC 0222 History of Western Music to 1750
3 cr.

18 cr.

It's kind of weird not having any classes in the mornings, and yes, Wednesdays will suck, just as I had predicted. Classes start 31 August and end 11 December; finals are 14-19 December.