16 May 2006
A Proclamation by the Author of Randomness
Yeah, I felt like being patriotic, because I vote for the first time today. Extra special thanks go out to the model for this post. And, oh yeah, I'm totally serious about this one.Wise people once wrote that "a blog gives you your own voice on the web." I could not agree more. However, there are some unfortunate times when those voices are stifled, namely when blog posts are lost in the depths of cyberspace. The particular post which brought this issue to my attention was entitled, "A Taste of May." It is truly sad that it had to meet such an untimely fate.
Posts such as this will not soon be forgotten. Rather, new ones will continue on in the never-ending fight for self-expression. But it is necessary to reflect upon those posts which never received the chance to fight the battle, and perhaps even to attempt to give them new life. We pray that a time may come when blog posts will no longer be lost, but alas, such a time may never come. In the meantime, we must take every opportunity to show the world that some of the worst setbacks bring out the best in our spirits.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, "TJ," author of Randomness, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the fact that I write this blog, do hereby proclaim the twenty-third day of May 2006 and all years thereafter as International Blog Post Remembrance Day. I ask that bloggers around the world mark this unofficial holiday with solemnity, as well as with appropriate observances and activities, should they choose to do so.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand six, and of this blog the second.
Posted by
Tim Parenti
16:43 ET
All right TJ! Pull that ballot lever!
"The blogging experience is about not only putting your thoughts on the web, but hearing back from and connecting with other like-minded folks."
this is the true purpose of blogging. to connect the world together by expressing ourselves.
any reason it's may 23?
to appeal to younger voters, the voting machines around here used DDR pads to vote. i think i screwed up though... but don't blame me if pat buchanan's in the running for congress.
ooohhhhhh :O
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